Sekenani Art center

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Initiated by Eti Dayan and Agnes Siteiya Kiu.

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KICC first cultural project is supporting of an art center, being built in Sekenani Maasai- Mara, and aims to empower the elder Maasai women, the ones who never got any education, by providing opportunities using traditional crafts – stringing beads – as a means of economic and personal development.
The art center will give hundreds of Maasai women a chance to have better income and to enjoy economic independence. It will offer: Good working environment, supply of good quality materials, Quality-control and, most important marketing channels.
Having more income will have immediate impacts not only on the women's lives, but on their whole families, as women are the ones who feed the family and pay for children's education.
A museum, unique in the world, will be an integral part of the art center. It will display a collection of beaded artifacts from East-Africa (clothing, vessels, bowls, jewelry etc') and will expose visitors to the diversity of colors, styles, and tribal identity as expressed in the beads!

Building will start on July 2022.
For support please contact Agnes: +254713704803 or Eti +972542086345 (whatsApp)
