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initiated by Lili Ronoh and Angela Lesan
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“Today these women are happy; they have money and security that they never had before.”
Angela Lesan Co-Founder
KWEN (Kenyon Wenditai Empowerment Network ) NGO was initiated in 2016. KWEN helps women by enabling them to achieve financial security and livelihood sustainability through table banking, and by empowering them to speak up about abuse and personal health. Each woman contributes what they can and borrows from the group to help support their livelihoods and businesses. When they pay back the loan with interest, the pool grows.
Kwen’s way is to encourage a woman or a group of women to invest 100 KSH ( $ 1 ) to start their business mostly in farming and agriculture and grow slowly and organically by selling and buying. Kwen helps the women with mentoring, monitoring and granting small loans. Started in 2016 Kwen is helping now 200 groups of 20 women located in Bomet area each using KWEN & TOP principles for jobs creation and food security.
Groups started with no external funds table banking with $20 and pools average $ 2,000 up to $10,000